Legal StudiesĀ
Instructor: Shawn McDermott
Law & Order, NCIS, Forensic Files, Dateline. You know you binge. Ever thought about a career as a crime scene investigator, a judge, a detective, or a prosecutor? Want to learn more? This one year course may be for you.
In this course, you will learn about the American criminal justice system and how police officers investigate a crime, build a case, and testify at trial. Through instruction, demonstration, individual practice, and small group activities, you will work with your friends as an investigative team to photograph, collect & process a crime scene, analyze that evidence, and present expert testimony at a mock criminal trial. Through direct instruction, debate, video review, and mock trial exercises, you will learn the role and function of the three main components of the criminal justice system – corrections, courts, and police. Through English common law, your class will trace the origins of the U.S. Constitution as well as review business law and civil tort.
Student learning will be reinforced with guest speakers and a field trip to a jail, a prison, or a court. This course will culminate with a mock trial in which students choose roles, study legal precedent, and try a civil or criminal case before a judge. You are eligible to earn six free college credits through a dual enrollment agreement with Central Maine Community College.