Criminal Investigation
Instructor: Shawn McDermott
In this one semester course, students will learn about the American criminal justice system and how police officers investigate a crime, build a case, and testify at trial. Students interested in a career as a judge, a lawyer, a police officer, or a probation officer would benefit from this introduction.
Through direct instruction, group analysis, and debate, students will examine the origins of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments will be studied in depth. Interviewing and interrogation will be practiced. Students will examine significant legal precedents, research a case, and write a legal brief. Students will argue that case before a judge.
Student learning will be reinforced with guest speakers and a field trip to a court, jail, or prison.
Students are eligible to earn three free college credits through a dual enrollment agreement with Central Maine Community College.
Each of our Criminal Justice Courses are a single semester course that can be taken independently or in conjunction with our other related Criminal Justice courses over two years of study:
- Criminalistics
- Legal Studies
- Police Operations
- Criminal Investigation